Am I ready for the Takeover?

The Takeover is an at your own risk group paddle and is not a day of instruction or guiding. All participants will be required to sign a Release and Waiver of Liability Form in order to partake in the event. 

For the Takeover to be a success, it is essential that everyone participating already be comfortable on the section of river they are joining for. Due to the logistics of the day (timing, pace, extra large group), this is not the day to go bigger than usual, but rather the day to meet some awesome ladies to go big with on another day!

For Upper Paddlers: You should be a class 2-3 paddler with a roll (doesn’t have to be 100% bomber) and have run the Upper at least 1-2 times before. Groups may or may not scout Bayless Boof and/or Pinball depending on the confidence level of each member of the group, and portaging is always an option.

For Narrows Paddlers: You should already feel confident on the Narrows and have run it at least 4-5 times. You should be ready to run the river without scouting (verbal beta is available when necessary). Portaging is of course always an option, and specifically encouraged for rapids that you are not overly confident on or have not run before. Due to the timing of the day, we will need to move downstream at a relatively quick pace (though as always, safety will be our top priority).

For Lower Paddlers: You should feel confident in your wet exit and basic self-rescue abilities as well as comfortable on moving water with some riffles. This section will start later in the day and be approximately 3 miles long. This is a great section for folks who want a less intense day. The put in/takeouts are simple, the rapids are straight forward, and the people (as for all sections) are top notch.

For All Paddlers: If you’re not feeling up to paddling for whatever reason, we have a social gathering and raffle at the Green River Ranch at the end of the day and all women of any skill level (whether you paddle the river that day or not) are encouraged to partake! Contact us at if you’re interested in volunteering!